W. C. Lin, Wild flowers of Taiwan - the 1300 species found in the lower elevation . 2005. (Wild flowers of Taiwan)
Yang, A list of plants in Taiwan . 1982. (List Pl. Taiwan)
A perennial, pubescent, erect herb, 40–150 cm high.
Radical and cauline leaves long-petiolate, ternate-bipinnate, lateral and terminal leaflets ovate-lanceolate, cordate, truncate or obtuse at base, acuminate at apex, 7–13 cm long, 2–5 cm wide, the margins duplicate-serrate.
Inflorescence terminal, paniculate, 30–60 cm long, the axis with short glandular hairs; flowers white, small, short pedicellate; calyx 5-lobed, the lobes ovate, 1.5–2 mm long; petals spathulate, about 1 mm long; stamens 10.
Capsules about 4 mm long; seeds small, numerous.
台灣 : From low to medium altitudes throughout the island.
TAIPEI: Shihting, Keng & Kao 1283. ILAN: Mt. Taipin, Ou, Chang & Kao 8986. TAOYUAN: Tahanshan, Yang 1970. HSINCHU: Kuanwu, Huang 4141; Tapachienshan, Hsieh 1335. MIAOLI: Chunghsueshan, Yang 414. TAICHUNG: Tahsuehshan, Yang 460; Pahsienshan, Chuang, Kou & Kao 2714. NANTOU: Tungpu, Tamura, Shimizu & Kao 21982. CHIAYI: Mt. Ali, Huang & Kao 1669; Tashan, Huang 4535. KAOHSIUNG: South cross highway, Kuo 2782; Tientsu to Yiakou, Huang 8837. PINGTUNG: Wutai, Chen 1579; Machia, Huang & Kao 7493. TAITUNG: Kuangshan, Huang 6566; Tupunshan, Suzuki 10706. HUALIEN: Tailukoshan, Keng & Kao 2576; Tienhsiang, Shimizu & Kao 10631.